Tuesday, August 25, 2015


SOLD to Mary F. in the UK ... thank you Mary!

"Herself" is a charcoal line drawing on an oil monoprint. The monoprint was one of a few created during a fun printing class in Galway. The line drawing is one of a collection which evolved during a couple of life drawing sessions where the models seemed particularly grumpy on those days ... calling for humour and lightness in what I produced.

I have a few in this series, some still for sale, and will upload them as soon as I can get good images of them. It's too late now and time to throw out some of those zzzzz's before heading out in Milly the Motorhome tomorrow for a peaceful day of painting by myself in some secluded spot. I have a commission to finish ... without Bridie the German Shepherd nagging me to play by shoving her nose under my elbow and flipping my arm up at crucial painting moments!

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