Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Turning the right brain left and keeping it right

As per the info below, I have agreed to give a talk and demonstration at a Meet For Real get together in Galway on 15 August 2009. Please make your booking now on the Meetforreal.com website - it'll for Euro3.00 cheaper if you do!

Venue : Galway City Museum coffee shop (in the museum itself at the Spanish Arch)
Time : 4.30 pm for 5 pm

To book : www.meetforeal.com

Lynda Cookson, Artist and Author based in Galway, has an impressive litany of experience combining artistic creation and business acumen. She will be giving a 35 minute talk, whilst demonstrating her technique of creating an oil painting, in the Museum Coffee Shop in Galway (at the Spanish Arch) on the 15th August 2009, at 4.30 pm for 5 pm. Throughout her own career, she has learned how important it is that the business life of an artist runs parallel with creativity; and also how handling business and promoting artistic work, can be just as creative as making the art. During the talk she will demonstrate how an oil painting takes shape, mainly using a palette knife, to show how building up your artistic business can be the same as building up a painting. Meetforeal events are about learning and sharing, but ultimately, they are a forum for people to meet like-minded people and have interesting conversations. Each event is different, and people from all walks of life to come along and participate, to enrich the discussion, to bring more ideas to the table, so everyone can learn something; share ideas, and meet people.

Tickets are 5 euro for Meetforeal members(free to join) or 8 euro at the door.
Email us at admin@meetforeal.com or call Adrian 0872889973

Twitter tag: #artwithlynda


The venue was great, the organisation of the event was superb, the vibe was full of energy, my co-speakers were great .... what more could I want?! I only slapped one small dollop of white paint on the floor - which I had, thank heavens, covered with an old sheet in case of such an inevitable happening; and the smell of burning wasn't from the fire of my talk but from hot papers pasted over the spot lights (phew!).

The painting was begun, but not finished, and when it's been photographed (whether finished or not) I'll upload an image here. In the meantime, here's a great composite pic, taken by Ellen Dudley who, together with her partner Adrian, organises the Meetforeal.com events, of people on the day.

Watch out for the next Meetforeal.com event!